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_Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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Material entry of Philippines dustless workshop

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., LtdPublished: 2018-03-19 14:11:03Views:1792

Dongguan Zhuo for purification of Philippines dust-free workshop project in the construction case
Great changes have taken place in the operation environment of internationalized enterprises, and the barriers for enterprises to enter the international market have been greatly reduced, which greatly improves the international business environment of enterprises, and provides greater development space for enterprises to carry out international operation. China's leadership in international perspective layout "The Belt and Road" strategy, "The Belt and Road" is an important strategy for "a depth of integration into the world economy The Belt and Road" pattern of the grand, the way is open, the weather is colorful, hitherto unknown. This "super" strategy as traveling mighty, bound for China enterprises to "go out" to play a strong role in leading and supporting.

Dongguan Zhuo for the purification and mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. is also vigorously accelerating into the international environment! This is the cooperation of the Philippines dust-free workshop project:

Dongguan Zhuo as air conditioning machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd. aims to build a leading brand in the purification industry. It constantly aims at improving the quality of construction technology and improving the quality of project management, and striving for customer satisfaction.
Dongguan Zhuo to clean up all the staff welcome foreign friends to visit our company to visit and discuss!
Dongguan Zhuo to purify the company's Web site: www.sykfysj.com www.dgzhuowei.cn www.hengwenhengshi.net www.wuchenchejian.com.cn
Person in charge: Manager Hu
Tel: 0769-81609661 4000000826
Mobile phone: 13450617367
Fax: 0769-81609665
Q Q:4000000826
Address: No. 130 Xiamen Fuhai Road, Changan Town, Dongguan
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