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Completion of medical science and technology purification project in Jiangmen

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., LtdPublished: 2018-03-19 14:26:11Views:2467

Completion of medical science and technology purification project in Jiangmen
The item company is mainly engaged in R & D, production and sales of medical instruments, equipment and high quality consumables. The company has a modern 100 thousand tier laminar flow net chemical plant, and has established an advanced product development center and material laboratory. At present, all products sold are independently researched and developed, and applied for domestic or international patent protection. The products are of high quality, reliability, high safety and users all over the country.
Project Name: purification workshop and laboratory renovation renovation project of Guangzhou Zhongda Furui Medical Technology Co Ltd (in part, structure, floor, duct part and water part and a lighting part containing air conditioning and equipment). It includes ten thousand and one hundred thousand levels.
The area of this project is about 1600 square, and the customer is required to finish 55 working days. The construction cycle is very urgent, through the overtime work of the master of the engineering master, it is finally completed in the time stipulated by the customer.
The following is to show the construction process of the project:

Early construction site:

After completion effect:

Details show:

Party B's responsibilities and obligations:
1. Party B is responsible for the construction of the project and the installation of air conditioning equipment, including air conditioning and equipment, structure, floor, wind pipe part, pure water part, lighting part.
2. after the completion of the project, the purification workshop must meet the requirements of the static 100 thousand level of the international standard test standard and be in charge of the commissioning.
3. laboratory area three rooms (positive control room, asepsis room, microbial limit room) must meet the requirements of international standard testing static ten thousand level indicators, and responsible for debugging in place.
Dongguan Zhuowei air conditioning electrical equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. is located in a developed economy, convenient transportation of Guangdong city of Dongguan Province, is a professional factory engaged in clean workshop, workshop building of constant temperature and humidity clean workshop, and central air-conditioning, electrical and mechanical engineering installation of the modern enterprise. The company was founded in 2003, has provided many enterprises with clean air conditioning design and installation, matching purification equipment, mechanical and electrical decoration, system maintenance and other services. Now the company has a large number of capable technicians, professional air conditioning designers, excellent after-sales service. In the long period of engineering practice, it has become a team of unity and innovation and strong cohesiveness.
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