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Zhuo for the company officially joined the China HVAC purification Association

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:02:24Views:2523SML

July 18 This event is the second major event since the establishment of the China HVAC Cleanup Association, attracting about 500 participants from the venue selection temperament, the atmosphere of the site
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July 18 This event is the second major event since the establishment of the China HVAC Cleanup Association, attracting about 500 participants from the venue selection temperament, the atmosphere of the site, the level of the organization, the local industry Of the appeal, the enthusiasm of the organizers and the strength of the point of view, are people lament the local organization of the local forces continue to grow, this force with the organizers to pay more energy, resource integration began to show positive results The All over the government has been approved by the establishment of the industry associations, are on the way to the expedition, around the Association, is also strengthening the horizontal resources interoperability of the hand, their efforts and results, caused the industry attention, applause and support. Very honored, I Division also officially joined the team today. (Wu total award on the stage, the fourth)

Shenzhen HVAC Industry Association since its inception, has done some fruitful work. July 18, the second session of the Council, the Association's executive president Mr. Yang Xianguo introduced the "2015 first half of the work summary and the second half of the work plan", since its inception, the Association has carried out 5 this training, on-line The official website of the Association, published the Journal of "warm and clean", the establishment of the WeChat public number, visited the member units, the first batch of engineering company qualification audit and other activities, high efficiency, admirable. Civil society organizations, all need self-reliance, if you want to unite good member units, there is no hard to pay, is difficult to sustain.

At the meeting on July 18, President Zhan Jun, published a passionate and slightly apprehension speech, his passion is reflected in his future for the future development of the industry's enthusiasm, "We will provide the best for the member companies Service, the members have anything to find the association, find me, I will spare no effort to build our association into the best, the largest industry associations.

And his perturbation, perhaps from the high expectations of more members of the pressure brought about. He said: "I am very nervous today, often want to do things, but also can not sleep." This is from the face of many regional counterparts on his expectations. As the non-governmental background to join the civil society, the president of the unit to assume the initial survival and development of the Association, which is not the most difficult, the most difficult is how to establish the prestige of this industry association, how to continue innovation, how In a short time so that the association initiated units and member units to obtain real benefits, these are the needs of real money, but also the greatest pressure.

They opened the "HVAC purification industry association clean environment engineers training course" opened the industry development overview, clean air-conditioning equipment selection, the application of the bill of quantities, construction points and other technical courses, hired a senior industry experts Xu Zhonglin, Tu Guangbian, Zhang Liqun, Shen Jinming to teach; they open the project in the meaning of this work, with the words of President Zhan Jun said: "The Association should be fair and impartial to set up qualification assessment work, the significance of this work is that the association to increase the number of members of these engineering companies Competitive, so that more Party A value their qualifications, the association to support them.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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