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Zhuo for the design of modern and modern clean room

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:04:47Views:2474SML

The study shows that Dongguan Zhuo for Zhuo for the central air-conditioning purification can be tailored for your clean room, purification works, mechanical and electrical engineering, 100,000 purification works, 10,000 dust-free workshop, 1000 clean room, factory purification works, Dongguan purification plant, clean...
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The study shows that Dongguan Zhuo for Zhuo for the central air-conditioning purification can be tailored for your clean room, purification works, mechanical and electrical engineering, 100,000 purification works, 10,000 dust-free workshop, 1000 clean room, factory purification works, Dongguan purification plant, clean room engineering, GMP workshop design and construction, constant temperature and humidity overall design and installation, purification decoration works, can make people feel comfortable factors have the following aspects: air temperature and humidity , The speed of the air blowing through the body, the surface temperature, human activity intensity, lifestyle, clothing, age, gender, etc., the combination of these factors determines whether people have a comfortable feeling.

As in the clean room, the staff are wearing a clean overalls, and sometimes wear two sets of such uniforms, and clean overalls are generally made of nylon, cool and other materials made, breathable is very poor. Corresponding to the corresponding temperature line is the maximum rhombic angle of 26. 7 ℃. Acceptable upper limit even up to 30 ° C. If the permissible relative humidity fluctuation value is ± 10%, it can be designed at 55% for 65%, and the temperature is about 26 ° C. This is a comfortable summer condition.

Winter 18 ℃ is slightly lower, because the staff generally only wear two unlined, humidity easy to feel cold, so the design can be higher than this value. From the standard comfort, the relative humidity should be greater than 40%. The senior office only required relative humidity ≥ 35%, the general office is not required. Therefore, the relative humidity of the workshop in winter without considering the process requirements, the best set at 30% or more.

It is also necessary to save energy to the clean room. If the relative humidity is increased to 45% at room temperature of 20 ° C, the air moisture content should be humidified from about 1 g / kg dry air to about 6.5 g / kg. For the 500 m2 7-level plant, about 165 kg / h of humidification, if the electricity humidification, the power consumption will be scattered.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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