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Zhuo for air conditioning electromechanical explain what is the laminar flow operating room

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:01:19Views:2583SML

the economic benefits and social benefits of unity, the principle of the first social benefits. Hospital infection to increase the economic burden of patients, but also affect the economic benefits of the hospital c at the same time
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What is laminar flow operating room 13450617367, laminar flow operating room has the following:

1, the economic benefits and social benefits of unity, the principle of the first social benefits. Hospital infection to increase the economic burden of patients, but also affect the economic benefits of the hospital c at the same time, due to delay the patient's rehabilitation, and even disability or death, but also affect the social benefits. Medical and health is a "welfare welfare public welfare undertakings, should put social benefits in the first place.In fact, social benefits also contains a huge economic benefits, because the social benefits to promote the national economic development, and the national economy Strengthen the strength, but also increase the hospital investment and improve the medical staff living the fundamental protection, Moreover, the hospital infection also affects the hospital's economic benefits.

2, system monitoring, the principle of coherence. Hospital is an open system, hospital infection management should also be a systematic feature. Nosocomial Infection Management has a top-down information transfer system that is printed from the bottom up. Specifically, the hospital infection management to establish a hospital infection management committee, hospital infection monitoring department and departmental part-time hospital infection monitoring team composed of three system management system, to complete the hospital infection prevention, control and organization and management tasks. At the same time, the hospital, but also to form a system, that is, outside the hospital health administrative leadership and epidemic prevention departments and hospital infection management committee in close contact with each other c only inside and outside the hospital to form a complete system, laminar flow operating room Hospital infection can be more effective prevention and control. In the case of

3, laminar flow hood hospital interests, the principle of the interests of patients first. Hospital infection threatens the interests of both doctors and patients, therefore, in the hospital infection management to take into account the interests of both doctors and patients in order to facilitate medical, teaching, scientific research, prevention of the smooth progress of the patient and the early rehabilitation.

4, combined with prevention and treatment, the principle of prevention. In the event of nosocomial infection, must be actively treated and controlled. but. Treatment and control of hospital infection, after all, is passive, and the occurrence of infection more or less will damage the interests of patients or medical staff, therefore, in hospital infection management. We should always adhere to the combination of prevention and treatment. Prevention of hospital infection must be implemented from the organization, strengthen the monitoring side, strict management measures to start the three key links to prevent the inevitable occurrence of hospital infection, even if it is difficult to avoid the hospital infection should be eliminated in the bud.

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