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Principle of Temperature and Humidity Control in Purification Workshop

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:07:28Views:2509SML

Purification workshop in order to be able to extend the life of the temperature and humidity controller, so the use of normal temperature and humidity controller, it must be regularly maintained. Temperature and humidity controller is an advanced single-chip control for the core, the use of imported high-performance
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Purification workshop in order to be able to extend the life of the temperature and humidity controller, so the use of normal temperature and humidity controller, it must be regularly maintained. Temperature and humidity controller is an advanced single-chip control for the core, the use of imported high-performance clean room temperature and humidity sensors, which can simultaneously temperature and humidity signal measurement and control instruments. So the temperature and humidity controller on the instrument's precision requirements are more stringent, then the temperature and humidity controller how to maintain it?
1, often check the purification plant controller working conditions.
2, check the spray head is clogged.
3, check the cable and heater whether there is leakage phenomenon.
4, check the clean room cooling machine working conditions are normal (less fluorine should be timely fluoride).
5, check the water supply is sufficient, if there is no water should be timely closed humidification switch, so as not to burn humidifier.
6, pay attention to humidification pump for too long without the use of water precipitation caused by stop, in the dial to move the wind to make the rotation.
Purification project - clean workshop - central air conditioning - constant temperature and humidity - 100,000 purification - 10,000 purification - thousands of purification - one hundred purification - filter




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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