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There are 11 points in the clean room

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:09:26Views:2873SML

ndoor generally do not allow the use of cosmetics. All cosmetics have particles attached to the skin gently. If you speak, cough, sneeze, touch an item, these particles will fall from the skin, and become a danger of pollutants.
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Clean room 11 behavior points:
1, clean room to prohibit eating and drinking, to prohibit chewing gum or candy.
2, indoor use of jewelry and watches. Because they are difficult to clean and may cause contamination.
3, holding hands, nails, face clean. Personnel health is extremely important.
4, carefully selected well-designed clean clothing system. And in the right way to wear, to ensure its overall protective performance.
5, before entering the clean room must be cleaned and disinfected glasses. But routine cleaning of glasses is easy to forget.
6, no smoking or use of snuff. Smokers or smokers use more than a few million particles in the air compared to non-smokers.
7, clean room can not hair, or even can not touch hair.
8, prohibit the use of nail polish, because nail polish than nails, a long time there will be cracks. Dust and microbes are likely to hide and spread everywhere.
9, can not bring clean clothes to mention, people can not touch or flip clean clothes.
10, to avoid all unnecessary activities. Increased physical activity increases the size of the particles emitted. Personnel unnecessary activities will make the surrounding air to form eddy currents.
11, indoor generally do not allow the use of cosmetics. All cosmetics have particles attached to the skin gently. If you speak, cough, sneeze, touch an item, these particles will fall from the skin, and become a danger of pollutants.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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